Dates, the calendar kind, are not a forte. God nose how long this one's been in there but you'd think by now I'd have it right. But noOOOooo. Thus, an emergency run into town to get her remaining cards and present in the mail.
We got turned around and down the hill to the highway okay, but when I came out from the post office she bucked and snorted halfway across a parking lot before the engine caught; she was NOT happy.
Tony's Garage said they had room to keep her and after a few phone calls, Lucky Herrmann had hisself a van.
At the van place I moved my stuff.
Worthy of note in the image above is my accordion at center top, and the date 11/26/22 on the back of the ensolite pad, the date it was put into service.
We have trouble seeing ourselves, but Phoebe frequently garners compliments. Inside, she's a mix of bespoke wainscotting and bare-bones practicality patterned after the Pinzgauers at Canyon d'Chelly.
1976 Pinzgauer from:
Headin' off tuh hike/hitch-hike the 2.7 miles back to Phoebe, the angina flared, sending me back for the sub-lingual nitro. After some thought, I decided to ask a fellow working on his car for a ride. His Supervisore came out to bid me welcome.
Nova, The Cat.
1,950 Original Miles. The digital readout flickers so only caught first two numbers.
It's new and thus, precious. Not a scratch. A sign on interior wheel-well: You dent, You Pay! I bought U-Haul's usery-inspired extra coverage; a paltry $99.00 compared to what this whole adventure's gonna run.
The lengthwise roof supports are full of reduce weight? Parked on a slight angle, the back door didn't close smoothly. It's a Coors can with wheels.
On city streets it floats along like a Cadillac; the road to Herman Peak may have bent the frame. As the blackberry canes began dragging their nails along the sides a turnout appeared...where I camped. It's one of the things about Phoebe I appreciate; she can usually turn around. Without the turnout there was nowhere to get The Behemoth rotated.
1st attempt at organization. Sleeping bag in middle.
Donchyuh jus' luuuUUUV the birchwood panels running the length of the sides. Gives it that '70s "den" look.
I'm thankful I'm not stuck in a motel somewhere coping with dogs, children, domestic violence and all the other entertainments associated with (roadside) indoor plumbing.
At least it's a Chevy. 😄
And cheaper than a motel; couldn't BEGIN to get a motel up the Herman Peak road. 😘
Not bad at all and lacking the bedbugs at a motel.