Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Sugar Shack Bakery - Reedsport

It was at the Bandon Islands National Wildlife Refuge that it happened. We pulled in together and side-by-side, took the last two park plotzes.

The first thing they did was, standing there between the cars, pull out a Sugar Shack box and began reveling in eclairs. 

Transfixed, I asked, "Where from?"

"Sugar Shack!" They chorused.

Laundry stowed, I started up The Umpqua River Scenic Tour when, Lo und Behold, der it Vuz!

A "still" for those who like to linger.

The array is overwhelming. But I'm inclined to share Mae West's sentiment, "Too much of a good thing is wonderful."

When, at the store, I asked about the pigs, "They're like twinkies." she said.

I made appreciative noises.

Then, "Which one would you like?" 

It was then I saw each one's face is/was unique!


  1. Ah, Mae West ... so much wisdom!! I once announced I was quitting a job by paraphrasing her famous comment on marriage. " _____ is a great institution, but I'm not ready for an institution." (didn't impress, didn't matter)

    1. Philistines! Nothing to be done but leave 'em to their mundanity.

      Congratulations on your escape!
