Monday, December 28, 2020

Acoustic Atlas & ArcGIS

ArcGIS is a now-ancient program that was just getting started when I was a plebe on the nascent Geographic Information System (GIS) at the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) office in Albuquerque back in '86; it was during the final throes of obtaining my bachelors degree in Geography. 

You'll notice the URL below includes arcgis. It redirects to Sounds of The Wild West, a subdivision of Acoustic Atlas

Just FYI. No biggee. We're (that's the royale we) stuck in ABQ awaiting arrival of a new catalytic heater & other devices and are bored shitless.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Tree

My main reason for returning to ABQ was to set up a tree. We missed out last year and at some point I realized I missed not having the event. (Motivation sometimes comes after the fact.)

You know you're olde when things seem too high-priced. Thus, reeling & clutching at my bosom, I staggered from Home Depot after encountering their Noble Firs for $59.99.

I called Dave's (where I eventually ended up) and was told the cheapest they had was $50.00....still too much. Finally, four days b4 the day, I went to Dave's to see if I could negotiate. It'd been a few years but he recognized me and we got to chatting about business.

He'd rented the empty lot where the owner had, supposedly, gotten the nod of approval from the two storefronts on either side. But the shop=owner to the north was upset when his fence blocked access to the alley. He was only going to be there 25 days, but her distress prompted him to dismantle it (50 feet of 8' chainlink) and move it back 12 feet. 

Juan Tabo Blvd is a busy street with tall, sharp curbs that can wreak havoc if you're not paying attention. The 12-foot setback meant the lot was barely visible to the hell-bent-for-leather folks going by. He still had quite a few trees when I ambled in. 

His son-in-law was coming to help load up the remaining trees to take to the dump. He told how they began cutting in October and he'd spent the last month on-site 24/7 in the 15-foot travel-trailer; he was ready to go home. 

He gestured broadly toward the front of the lot, where the five to seven foot trees stood, as he offered me my choice for $40.00. I let him pick it out and he helped stuff it ("careful now") into Phoebe; it barely fit.

Champion Cat Rescuer by Diego Piraro (link is to his fine art)

The print is by Diego Piraro (link is to his blog). It was my gift to Michelle. He's the artist who does the Bizarro cartoons (link is to his website).


Thursday, December 24, 2020

Carols From Kings

Vee haf our truh-di-shunz. 

Browsing Stargoose und Hanglands'

I noticed The Weaver of Grass's post (in the list along the right on Stargoose and Hangland) from yesterday in which he mentions Carols from Kings.

Googling, I found...

Around about 6:00 a.m. I turned 68.


The starfish was a gift

  from my aunt when I was three.

In The Star Thrower by Loren Eiseley, he tells of walking on the beach after a storm and meeting a man throwing starfish back into the sea. The beach was covered and after watching for a bit he said to the man, "There're thousands. You'll never make any difference." The man didn't even pause as he bent to pick up another. "I did for that one," he replied. (And a kiss upon your hand for telling me.)

May you be as lucky.

Merry Solstice! (again!)

Litha is the Summer soltice.

Art Saves Lives

So, most days I wake up with something we've named the gobloots. It's a generalized feeling of dread mixed with terror and helplessness. The name comes from a fictional ailment Ricky Ricardo once told Lucy she had. Usually it goes away in less than an hour.

You'll recall my mention of how a couple of weeks after I left the credit union, Bank of America called and offered me the Marketing Directorship of Albuquerque. I declined saying I'd just leased an art gallery space. Over the next four years I averaged $50,000.00 in sales, a fifth of what I felt was necessary to make the gallery viable. But art always came through for me even though the money never did.

I turned 68 this morning around 6:00 a.m. 

I think my chances have come and gone. But its been a great ride!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

By and Large

Somehow I KNEW you wanted to know this...

By and large is originally a sailing term meaning "alternately close-hauled and not close-hauled." A ship that is sailing "close-hauled" is sailing as directly into the wind as possible (typically within about 45 degrees of the wind). The "by" part of the phrase means "close-hauled." (This "by" also appears in the term full and by, meaning "sailing with all sails full and close to the wind as possible.") "Large," by contrast, refers to a point of sail in which the wind is hitting the boat "abaft the beam," or behind the boat's widest point. A 1669 example of a variant spelling of "by and large" gives us a sense of the range implied: "Thus you see the ship handled in fair weather and foul, by and learge" (S. Sturmy, Mariners Magazine). The suggestion of a wide range carries over into the term's "in general" sense.

In a previous life I worked as a marine, not the guys in uniforms. I found the nautical terms useful when talking about the left and right side since it obviated the confusion of whether you're at the front looking toward the rear or vice versa. Plus, Phoebe likes to think of herself as a schooner since she has four doors, each set resembling a mast.

Close-hauled w Laundry a 'opside

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Sagamore Wind Project - New Mexico

I need to check on how they're doing (perhaps you could?), but the Germans committed to generating 40% of their energy by 2020 -- THIS YEAR!!!-- from alternative sources, primarily wind and solar. And THAT from a country that's 10 degrees further north -- but with similar weather -- than Cleveland, Ohio.

So it's been something of a disappointment to me to see how long it's taken for America to clamber aboard the bandwagon. But it's finally happening. See if you can last through the first ten minutes of this; it's an historic occasion.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

If Fur Elise Was By Skrillex



Thursday, December 17, 2020

Albert's Turkey!

 A blazing three days from Sunsites.

Day One - Got my usual late start and arrived Deming a little after sunset. Stood outside the Walmart for an hour (in the cold) waiting to be let in. Bought Slumberjack 20=degree sleeping bag for $62.00 (my two sleeping bags were no longer sufficient as temps dipped to =8 Celcius (17 Fahrenheit). Arrived camp on highway 26 around 8:30 pm (near the Windmills). 

Day Two - Depending on who was saying, there was an accident or a shooting and highway 26 from Deming to Hatch was closed. I came out of County Road A024 about 20 miles east of Deming and was stopped by highway men (workers, not bandits) who said it was estimated it'd be three to five hours before it opened. Sat by side of road for two hours. Decided to take Interstate 10 to Las Cruces and then up I-25. Stopped at RV Park before Deming to inquire about shower. Lois, in purple sweater, was giving me a hard time about accepting payment. When I asked if she was German she said, "Yes, and Irish." At that point I threw in the towel.

Arrived camp north of Rex & Robin's at 7:20pm.

Day Three - Early start (12:20pm) today. Stopped numerous times for this and that including pictures of yard decor. 

Arrived ABQ Thursday, December 17, 2020, 5pm.  

130 miles in 4.5 hours = a BLAZING 28.88888888 mph!

Monday, December 14, 2020

Bidet - Clear Rear


The dearth of toilet paper seemed the height of indecency. It vus time to DO  ZUMZING! An internet search disclosed that we're disdained by Middle-eastearners for smearing ourselves. Lo and behold, if you just spray with water, it rinses right off. And in the end, a little dab'll do yuh.

Three-month-old megaroll

Obviating the Need (nearly)

Clear Rear's website. I bought the cheapee model.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Same Place


Morning Light

Row of Yucca

Blooming in DeCEMBER!!

Imitating personal-care product 

for Women with that Proclivity

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Home Again!

There're (I know, I know. If I was red-blooded I'd say: There's) some places that are so beautiful even the sound of gunshots and chainsaws (what ARE they doing?!) can't ruin.

Boone, a climber from South Dakota, paused for a few minutes on his way down to point out where he'd been.

TheerrrRRREE's Phoebe! 

Friday, December 11, 2020

Rolls Imitates Phoebe

With dark coming so early there's time to surf the web. I thought I'd see what Rolls Royce is up to these days and was pleased to see Phoebe's interior rivaled elements of theirs.

And, of course, Phoebe sniffed disdainfully at the faux starlight ceiling since she -- more often than not -- has the real thing.

I picked out some fabrics and Xannie (seamstress extraordinaire) worked her magic

I've yet to decide on what to use on top of the wheel-well 

This custom rack was designed and built by Trini Saavedra in Albuquerque. 

You can see the netting on the left side of the photo of the back door

He cut chain links in half and welded them around the edge to provide places to attach ties and hooks

The view is from the back. Note Dragon attached to rearview mirror

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


The forecast was for rain today and tomorrow. Fortunately, it waited 'til nearly evening  -- mid-afternoon at this time of year -- afore clouds begun movin' in. 

Battenin' hatches, I piled the few items of luggage normally kept on the roof (away from rodent teeth) atop the boxes that hold cookware and oddments. Water jugs and cooler hold the sheet of protective plastic in place.

Nearing Home

The white light is the sun reflecting from a roadsign

But facing a day, maybe two, of being indoors is a tad intimidating...a bit like the Days of Covid, or some such. And then it's supposed to get colder. 

I told Michelle I'd return to Albuquerque around the 20th to set up a tree and sing carols, but then what?

Sun Gone

As a dyed-in-the-wool cold-wuss, winter is NOT my fav season.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Looking Back

Age is having its way with me. I was tired from visiting the museum in Tucson and driving; I had to over-ride my compulsion to move. 

For entertainment I looked back to see where I'd been in days of yore. For me, a-bear-of-little-memory, it's the best part of blogging. 

Herewith is one of my favorite rants. I also enjoyed reminiscing about walking in those Death Valley arroyos.

From March 5, 2016

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Working From Home - MOCA Tucson

Pathetic. But it DOES capture the times wonderfully: painful boredom. One can only imagine the gall it would require to charge admission. As it is, they're offering solace by letting everyone stroll about for free.

There's humor in the black blocks that -- similar to the cordoned entries of some stores -- mark the entrance and exits. They could've done better; pylons with yellow tape to funnel visitors toward the ticket booth would be nice. Each block supports a placard alerting visitors that proper face attire is required. (The complete exhibit is in this single room.)

You have to step over the line to exit from the center area. OMG!

On the back (of the blocks), even though the entire front of the building is open, they painted NO EXIT. Will we follow the signs? Obey the new rules? 

Backlight makes it hard to see

Rocks on rollers (Ha, ha!)

I know! I know! Oh! Oh! Teacher!! (waves hand vigorously)

It's a postmodern reference to tv programming!

EXIT in white block letters on backs of blocks.

(somebody has a sense of humor.)

It is interesting how willingly most comply. Go to school; get a job; get married; have children; acquire stuff. Watch tv. Do what you're told.

When did you last sequester yourself? HhhmmMMMMM?

                                                                Thought anything?

Friday, December 4, 2020

Otto & Astrid Rock Explosion


              maybe after another pot of cawfee.

And, maybe after I meditate. 


                            (that's the Royale WE, donchyaknow)

                                                      mosey on into the KOFA.

But in the meantime, we're just piddling...

The Situation

I Am A Lion

Her cymbal at the end...

My own effort in this vein...

34 views as of 12:24pm MDT 12/4/20

Khatia Buniatishvili


Her website

In case that wasn't enough...

If nothing else, skip ahead to her encore at 33:08

And the silence at the end  is different...because the world changes. 

(paraphrased from Rachel Joyce's The Music Shop.)

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Katie Boyle & Jason Colacino

Wending my way in from the east side, the sun was setting as I crossed the cattle guard into the KOFA National Wildlife Refuge. So I made camp.

Too early to sleep, I began browsing Youtube & chanced upon Katie & Jason. Jason died of heart failure at age 31 in 2009. A commenter on one of their videos said Katie became a nurse, married & has two children. 

Honky-tonk Woman

Five Long Years

Fuzzy, but still amazing!

I'm in love with a girl
Who's in love with the world
Though I can't help but follow
Though I know someday
She is bound to go away
And stay over the rainbow
Gotta learn how to let her go
Over the rainbow
Sometimes we forget who we got
Who they are
Oh, and who they are not
There is so much more in love
Than black and white
Keep it loose child
Gotta keep it tight
Keep it loose child
Keep it tight
Keep it tight
Keep it tight
From: Keep It Loose, Keep It Tight
by Amos Lee

Songwriters: Ryan Massaro

Never Been to Spain (single vers)

West Coast Swing

U.S. Open 2003

U.S. Open 3rd Place - 2000

Capital Swing

2004 - Katie & Jason 2nd Place Classic Division

Boogie By the Bay

Sponsored by Next Generation

Swing Dance Club of San Francisco

Jason Colacino and Katie Boyle 3

This Tribute website to Jason has a list of links at the bottom to some videos.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Finding Home & My Heritage

It's a gift and I treasure it. 

Occasionally, over the years, I've bemoaned my inability to make money, but being able to discover magical places and, best of all, find my way home each evening, is priceless.

I'd done maybe 40 miles of freeway and had had enough. And, like a cat, I had to go see.

Photos merely serve as reminders; they can't capture the beauty or grandeur.

The saguaro points to an arch in the tippy-top of the dike.

Phoebe hasn't had her picture taken in a while. Her coloring blends nicely with this stark, gray-brown country, dontchewt'ink?

Note German flag above license plate. 

I worked for a while in the University of New Mexico's College of Education's division of Language, Literacy & Sociocultural Studies (LLSS). Twenty-two faculty of various ethnicities, religions and political persuasions taught teachers how to teach cultural diversity. I designated myself the resident Teuton and taped a brown paper sack with the German two-headed eagle on it to my office door.

A visiting professor stopped by once. I nearly laughed aloud as he harumphed his prodigious bulk while asserting that he was Austrian. Still a skinny young lad, I couldn't match his "harumph" but was able to assert my origin in Nürnberg (2nd-largest city in the state of Bavaria after München and the historical capitol of Franconia.) and further attested that my lineage -- as my mother told it -- dated back to King Henry II (he of the large lower lip), a medieval monarch who led one of the many pagan tribes of Franks. (my middle name, Frank, is in honor of this heritage.)

Thus, in recognition of my ancestry and with ever a nod to the LLSS faculty: several Puebloans; descendants of Spanish Conquistadors; a Zen Buddhist; a Jew; three lesbians (sort of like The Three Graces) and many others, When occasion arises, such as when folks are "sharing" their nationalism, I fly the flags of Germany & Nürnberg.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Ground Control

to Major Tom:

Drink your milk

and put your jammies on.

Here I am sitting in a tin can

                                    and there's nothing I can do.

It's A Wrap

It all came together pretty loosely. Considering everyone is hunkering-in-space, the geoproximity worked well enough to prompt me tuh look up (online) some of the folks in the sound-healing community. Next time maybe I'll get to chat with a few.

Peace, Brother

I had a nice two-day run up to Cottonwood where Marie surprised me with a Thanksgiving Feast of turkey, smashed taters with gravy and stuffing, greenbean casserole, celery sticks with kalamata-laden cream cheese lounging in their recesses, some cranberry sauce and a wonderful cranberry dessert!

After off-loading the art supplies we visited for a bit and then I headed south and west....toward warmer climes, we hopes.

splendid repast! Thank you, Rie!

Saturday, November 28, 2020

So Much For Thanksgiving

Glad we got past that! Who wants to be reminded of smallpox-laden blankets, innumerable massacres of women and children, the lopping off of hands and feet of the Acomas. Of course, there's the pie. Not quuuuuuite as effective as heroin, but cheaper...and legal.

I found a couple of people in Tucson who might be interested in Andy's wands.

(Wands is something of a misnomer, but that's what he calls the pear-shaped transducers. They're speakers encased in silicone and are used by placing them on a person's body.)

But his website still needs work so I'm waiting. In the olde days a salesman'd hand youse a brochure; nowadays it's a URL. Without it, I might as well save my breath. Here's what he currently has. I'm renting the wands for $40.00 a month. 

I've been usin' 'em every day for anywhere from 10 tuh 20 minutes and the sciatica is definitely easing off. It's hard tuh accept that something as woo-woo as running a modulating tone through one's body would relieve pain, but when you get to this point you'll try anything. 

I remember when my uncle's 2nd wife was dying of cancer and they tried shark fin, a pyramid (it sharpened his dull razor blades!) and some other stuff. She died anyway. But this is working! And they're a lot less invasive than cortisone shots tuh the spine! (Andy's website)

So I'm headin' north tuh deliver the care-package of art supplies tuh Marie (NONEATALL) in Cottonwood.

It's a bit chillier here at 3660 feet altitude about half way.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Blog To Share

Pepper and I nearly met five years ago when I was racing eastward enroute to a crisis in Albuquerque. I waited at the crossroads for an hour (near Gila Bend, maybe?) but we'd gotten our times mixed up. 

A couple of months ago we got to meet in Albuquerque when she made a special trip from Farmington.

She's an intrepid non-pareil; there's no telling what she'll do next. You may wanna check in now and then to see what she's come up with.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Only For Me - Saguaro Ntl Pk East

A short drive from her house.

In the middle of the trail!

(owl pellet?)

It was crowded at The Pass

West shoulder

Asleep standing, enMasked, of course

Friday, November 20, 2020

For Posteriority

Over the years a few places have emerged as re-usables like when when from here to there. As unusual as it is for me to camp in the same spot, I'll often take time to explore the area further. Don't you?

This time, just fifteen minutes from the previous night's camp, I wandered into an area rife with diversity: granite outcrops, plants untold, birds, including a red-tail hawk and, after sunset, an owl.

Although this is SO "typical, boring-blog photo," I took it to remind me that this is cat-claw country, a cousin of the African "wait-a-bit." AND, there are several kinds of yucca. In the right foreground you can see a Multi-stalk and in the left middle-ground a Giraffe-esque Yucca. And there, center-stage, trying not to look too proud, is a Scrub Oak. There're some cool stacked rocks out there too.


Interesting growth on either side of a crack

Closeup of interesting growth on either....

Fossil Labia

You just never know what's around the next bend.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Gaelynn Lea


Sexuality and Disability

You may want to turn on CLOSED CAPTIONING.

It's the small rectangle to the right under the video with CC in it. 

The Long Way Around


When two souls meet
And the whole world feels new
Shared moments sweet
All colors bright and true
And there is laughter
And there are good things growing everywhere
And I’m happy to be in this place with you
And I’m happy to be in this place

You let it out
You laid it all across the table
What’s this about?
And you’re making me unstable
And I don’t want to go down this road with you
No I don’t want to go down this road

I want to go
But I can’t, and I won’t
I’ll learn to sew
Up the wounds that I broke
Open with you
‘Cause I knew, and I chose
And I don’t feel at home in this world anymore
No don’t feel at home in this world

We rein it in
And there is better understanding
Nobody wins
When there is flight without the landing
And we learn
To keep our hearts in time
Try not to burn
The careful ties that bind us together
And I’m taking the long way around with you
I’m taking the long way around
And I’m happy to be in this place with you
And I’m taking the long way around


released September 27, 2019
Gaelynn Lea: Violin / Vocals / Lyrics / Music
Alan Sparhawk: Baritone Guitar
Charlie Parr: Resonator Guitar
Jeremy Ylvisaker: Electric Guitar
David Mehling: Electric Guitar / Harmonium / Piano
Jason McGlone: Synthesizer

Recorded & Edited by Jake Larson at Sacred Heart Music Studio in Duluth, MN
Edited & Mixed by Tucker Martine at Flora Recording & Playback in Portland, OR
Mastered by Robert Hadley at Hadley Mastering in Los Angeles, CA

Executive Producer: Harrison Reiner


all rights reserved

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tucson Ho!

I'm taking some art supplies to NONEATALL in Cottonwood, Arizona. 

Easel For Rie

On the way I'll visit with Rex & Robin.

Then it's on to Tucson. Due to Covid, Desert Dominion is still not holding in-person events, but I hope to get a tour of their facility. 

I'm also carrying a set of the Zadrozny (Zuh-drohj-nee) wands, the sound-healing device developed by Andy Zadrozny, former bassist for the Seattle Symphony Orchestra. I hope to find some connections among the alternative-therapy community that will result in sales of the wands and his sound-healing table. 

The wands are silicone-encased transducers that impart tones and/or sound waves into a person's body. Amazingly, this can ease or relieve muscle and nerve pain and, when placed appropriately, induce orgasm (in females).

A video in which Andy talks about the origins of his interest. For more information, contact Andy at 206-748-0153.

Michelle painted my walking stick.

That's Michelle's serigraph Raised In Captivity above my left shoulder. Warhol and other American serigraphers typically used 6 to 10 colors; Michelle often used over 40. For a number of years after she graduated her work was shown to other students at the University of New Mexico as an example of what is possible.