Thursday, December 24, 2020

Carols From Kings

Vee haf our truh-di-shunz. 

Browsing Stargoose und Hanglands'

I noticed The Weaver of Grass's post (in the list along the right on Stargoose and Hangland) from yesterday in which he mentions Carols from Kings.

Googling, I found...

Around about 6:00 a.m. I turned 68.


The starfish was a gift

  from my aunt when I was three.

In The Star Thrower by Loren Eiseley, he tells of walking on the beach after a storm and meeting a man throwing starfish back into the sea. The beach was covered and after watching for a bit he said to the man, "There're thousands. You'll never make any difference." The man didn't even pause as he bent to pick up another. "I did for that one," he replied. (And a kiss upon your hand for telling me.)

May you be as lucky.

Merry Solstice! (again!)

Litha is the Summer soltice.

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