The plan, such as planning goes for those of us who're "advancing in years," was to leave tomorrow. But an attack of the Gobloots have me encouraging her to consider a day of let things clear.
Here's her description of the moment...
The winds are blustery
and the clouds dramatic.
The sun on meadows
across the way
has been shining emerald.
The fresh air is a balm.
In polyamory the transition is often fraught with blustery. Our lives are complex and leaving for an unknown amount of time brings up all kinds of emotions.
It can take years to believe that your partner, knowing they miss you, will still be okay.
The anticipation of being together again, even with frequent interim communication, induces an almost unbearable level of excitement. Absence DOES make the heart grow fonder.
The adage that the honeymoon only lasts two years has no validity. At our age the complexities are, after six and a half years, just becoming known; lying side-by-side is almost overwhelming.
wishing you happy healing from the glowboots.