Saturday, April 29, 2023


Exploring Kayenta Rd for potential campsites, I reached the end sooner than expected. Not eager to return to the constant stream on highway 89, I sat for awhile, enjoying the scenery. The traffic through the electronic gate was surprising so I looked at Google Earth. And there was Amangiri

As I sat, a helicopter drew close, then passed overhead. I realized I was in the way and moved off a hundred feet. After it landed, a woman drove up on an ATV and officiously told me this is all private property and I needed to return to the highway. I pointed out that the road is public and asked if I could video her telling me I needed to leave. She asked why and I said, "For my attorney." She declined my request and asked if I'd like to speak to her supervisor. I said, "Sure. Whatever."

Aman fragrance

In short order another ATV came down the drive. A stocky young man, looking a bit like a diminutive IZ, ambled over and inquired as to how I was doing. We exchanged pleasantries and he said the helicopter needs about 350 yards of runway. I said I'd move. He said I was welcome to come back -- and here he paused to ask of the woman if they were expecting another flight today. When she said no he turned back to me and continued -- and camp if I liked.

I mentioned to the man my earlier expression of interest -- to the guests who had been looking over at me with mixed curiosity -- in a tour of the whirly-bird, but when he looked he said the pilot was already buckling in. No one spoke up on my behalf. 

There've been a couple of large BMW sedans, one SUV, a Volvo station wagon, but the others, around 20 in as many minutes, have been undistinguished; employees perhaps.


Now, after an hour or so, all the undistinguished came pouring back out. 

Who knows?

Still, it was a nice diversion from 89.

12:57 pm - Sheriff L. Cram, a nice young man, stopped to let me know they called him to come make sure I'm not a gun-toter from Arizona.

The man behind it all...

Doronin is Chairman & CEO of OKO Group which developed the Una property in Miami, Florida.

And you think a few thousand fools w guns storming the Capitol are a threat? They're nothing but useful distractions to keep people from realizing there're others who really run the show.


  1. Very impressive architecturally. After running thru the website video I selected the Desert Suite for a week in May at $4400 per day which includes meals and beverages, exclusive of alcohol. They have another half dozen facilities scattered about. Perhaps a week at each would be nice. You might wish to sneak and enjoy a dip in the pool(s).

    1. Art!!!

      I'm on the move and have'nt had time ro look at their website. I'll have to check their cancellation policy? It'd be cool to make reservations for 20+ and then cancel.

      I have more details of my interaction w Sheriff Cram at Toutube.

  2. Yes, that was an interesting interaction.

  3. "Gun toters" only exist in Arizona, is that it? 🤣
