Saturday, November 5, 2022

An Anomolous Slog?

Or the shape of things to come?

I had an inkling going to Oregon might involve a bit of ardulity coming back. But this has turned into more than I anticipated. 

I'm not complaining!

I used to keep a journal in addition to blogging and though I still journal the private stuff, the day-to-day happenings now all go here. That said, I'm making note of how coming down from Oregon then over to Green River, up to Vernal, back to Green River and across to Saint George, as beautiful as it was, took a greater toll than expected.

The flight southward, usually to somewhere in Arizona, has, in years past, been prefaced by a stint in Albuquerque. Though a mixed blessing, what with spending quality time with the squidgatious Ms. Cook, the noise and pace of the city always leant a strong dose of relief to my leave-taking. 

This is in no way to imply I would've done it any differently. It just always comes as a shock to, once again, face what a cold-wuss I am.

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