Saturday, September 10, 2022

Southward Ho!

It suddenly got chilly up in them thar hills. Cold wuss that I am...

This is the Malad River just below Bliss, Idaho. You can still see into the gorge when you drive over the bridge so I took the first right. It led to a rafting and kayak take-out/put in place with some nice scrub oaks for shade.

I'd just completed assembling my sandwich when the first boatload landed. It was a happy scene and I got to participate...marginally, not that I wanted more, but I was awake and right next to the ramp so it was fun.

But they kept coming....OVERLAND! A trailer with a large raft pulled up with about a dozen youngsters all primed for water activity. I can only take so much.

Up on top the road looked to continue on the other side of the highway. That's where I took the above what appeared to be a power station. This time of year there should've been salmon leaping and cavorting in the rapids with BEARS prowling the shores and arguing over the best spots. Alaska maybe?

Still, it's pretty water. And Miracle Hot Springs is just down the road in Hagerman. 

But the friggin' pie store had just closed. And to add insult, the old guy, he could've been a year or two younger than me, said their strawberry-rhubarb was really good.

Ah, well. It's not like I *need* another  pie on my waist. But it's a tragedy; nothing, of course, compared to Greg's leg, but still. 


  1. I'm very sensitive to cold. Turns out it was a B12 issue. Shots have helped.,temperature%20and%20low%20blood%20pressure.

  2. Anon,

    How did you find a provider to prescribe the B-12? I'll have to check, but there's been no suggestion of deficiency.

    Some 20 years ago there was a book about hypothyroidism. The author, an M.D. as I recall, had determined there could be symptoms even after reaching the then defined marker of 5 whatever. She said she'd seen people with symptoms at lower levels and suggested lowering it to 1. Eventually the allopaths dropped it to 3, but I've run into severe skepticism anytime I've mentioned going below that.

    My grandmother got a shot once a month; it made an amaziing difference in her demeanor.

    Thanks for the suggestion; I'll look into it.
