Saturday, September 3, 2022


I am in several relationships. Each is its own exploration of intimacy. Herewith is an example of an exchange.

Dream - 9/2

While reading Stealing Fire, by Kotler and Wheal, about altered states, and feeling envious of stories within:

I’m with a group of maybe six women in their 30’s-40’s.  Nice looking, slender.  We’re meeting for an appointment where they are to attend to me sexually (I’d felt envious about being ‘left out’ of all the cool experiences discussed in the book, including sexual).  We have gathered but are floundering without direction — no one was taking the lead and I wasn’t saying what I wanted because I hadn’t articulated it to myself.  Finally I said, “You’re getting bored,’ because I could see it in some faces of the more sophisticated women, and because I was.  They began to find out I wasn’t a repressed ingenue…I wanted more than a safe intro to sexuality.  One said “I have an idea,” and things started moving.  

They pulled out a red dress for me, and another dressed in red.  I said rather coyly, “I never wear red” meaning I’m too conservative, though I added I sometimes wear touches of red.  (Red signals intensity, desire and passion…assertiveness, strength, power…all the things Serena stands for). She was very pretty and so was I.  The woman who’d spoken said they would array all their toys…that peaked me interest…that was what I’d wanted all along, to be given new, intense experience by this experienced group of pretties.

(Regarding the shift that followed, the book describes the authors’ experience being invited to a stage presentation by OneTaste, a sexual freedom/altered states event.  A woman laid down, presenting her pussy to the audience while another stroked her clitoris a certain way for 15 minutes, no more, no less.  No orgasm, just mind shifting.  My feeling as I read this was how mechanical and unappealing…nothing to do with connection between people.  I think this was reflected in my leaving the sexual event scheduled above and being attracted to a different story about intensity, power, and mind shifting.)

But I noticed at one end of the room a former coach training an athlete with a name like Eric Heiden.  Eric was on a slide board that also seemed like ice/skates.  The dream focus went close-up to the back of his skates…he was making quick skating motions side to side, with the coach leaning in, giving him pointers intensely.  I moved in behind and began mimicking his movements (as I had when learning from Bobby.)

In the next scene, I’m imploring the coach to share this high level technical info with me.  He looks doubtful, has no idea who I am or that I might understand.  Why should he impart knowledge to me.  So I demonstrate I know what he was talking about by saying:  You were talking about weight transfer and timing.  So he saw I understood and was willing to proceed.  (This movement is about power shifting, using one’s weight in very specific ways as you move from one leg to the other.)

Associations to seeing Serena, after watching for decades.  I once wrote an essay about her and Venus and their differing attitudes on court, etc.  Sport…love…flow. I had potential for more than I did but, as in so many pursuits, I was mostly self taught and enjoyed the internal process of discovery along the way…all those 50 years of skating.

And just today, after the dream, I found in Stealing Fire descriptions of embodied cognition in chapter on neurobiology.  Shifting the center of gravity, playing with g-forces…”boosting/expanding range of normal bodily input, ie amplifying physical sensations of gravity to shift mental state into flow”…carving turns skating and skiing (snow and ice).

Jimmy Choo, who makes mountain climbing documentaries, said, “weightlessness, weightedness, rotation are the nectar of the gravity games” !!! “They provide easy access to flow and bring us coming back for more.”  (Positive addictions, positive psychology of Martin Seligman)

This is language I know, in words and body.

They continue re: cognitive inputs to self perception from posture, breathing facial expressions, flexibility, and balance. So much to think about here.

They also write about how often creative people come up with novel ideas and solutions while walking…the body movement loosening things and also shifting neurochemistry.   Case in point:  One time I needed to comprehend some theoretical material for a presentation for the teacher I wanted to impress (I was in love with).  After reading awhile, I smoked a little and went hiking in Griffith Park with my dog.  I’m strolling along a bridle trail when suddenly my body stops with a small gasp because the understanding simply arrived.  It came not from thinking it through logically or linearly, rather the information was swimming around my mind and picked up deep resonances from my own actual experience.  These came together in a very pronounced “aha!” moment.  As I walked on, the paper wrote itself.

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