Thursday, April 2, 2020

Serviettes & The Headcheese Runs

Perhaps you'll  recall the Margaret Meade - Gregory Bateson alliance. I think it was when they were in New Guinea that one of them described how the tribe-of-study measured the success of a hunt. As the story went, tribal members, seated round the fire feasting upon the roasting meat, would periodically leap to their feet and go tearing off into the forest. Induced diarrhea was the measure of success.

Whenever I pass through Lordsburg I HAVE to stop at Suacedo's Market, the only place east of Los Angeles and west of Chicago where one can find head cheese. I buy two pounds and eat it in one sitting. The evening is spent tearing off into the forest.

Things being what they are, I'd decided toilet paper was one of the most non-green products in existence and couldn't believe I'd been wasting money all these years just throwing it down the drain. The solution dawned one morning and with an investment of slightly more than $1.00, I purchased a be-ribboned stack of fine Egyptian-cotton washcloths and tore them into proximate size.

Enlisting the aid of Ms. Cook and her brother Steve, who were on their way to Tucson to help with my angioplasty, they located and brought with them the perfect washing machine.

The clean cloths are kept in a bag -- ready for use -- and there's another for storage while awaiting washing.

But when I passed an entire WALL of napkins in the Douglas, Arizona Dollar Tree (not a single roll of t.p. anywhere), I just couldn't pass 'em up. I hope to make it to Quebec and reasoned that they'll serve as my first lesson in French.


I haven't calculated my savings yet, but I feel SO much greener. Butt, butt, the lingering question the cotton non-gmo?

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