Friday, April 24, 2020

Wasted Worry

I have a good rapport with my primary physician; he tolerates my Germanittude (Vee Vahnt to Know und you VILL answer zee Qvestschunz!) without getting defensive. The results of our phone conversation yesterday...

He increased my meds so I won't have to take them as often....and they can be increased further and there are some other drugs to try.

When I explained that I wanted an MRI or echocardiogram to determine if we'd be stenting a heart that is 80% dead or stenting a heart that is only 20% dead he said neither test would be's not that simple. (We won't be stenting.)

He asked how my blood pressure and pulse are (both are good) and how I'm doing in general. He said THESE are the determinants, how one presents, that they use to recommend treatment. If I don't have the strength to go to the bathroom then I'm in trouble. The fact that I can walk a ways but am unable to exercise and I have severe bouts of angina indicates I'm in bad shape but not "in trouble."

Additionally, he said I'm tolerating the drugs well --- no dizziness, fainting, too low blood pressure --  so it's all good. If I take my meds, am careful about my diet and don't have another heart attack I might live forever.

Bonsai the cat, shown above in the classic leopard-on-a-limb pose, is ensconced on the arm of my 1920s J.C. Penney armchair. That's $120.00-a-yard mohair she's lounging on. I found the chair on the street my first year of college (1983, I was 33) and used my student loan to have it recovered. Mohair, the original fabric, is virtually indestructible and has a wonderful feel to the nude body draped upon it. A number of cats have enjoyed it too.

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