Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Biggest Engine That Could

There's distinction in pariah-hood. I can grasp my lapels and thrust out my paunch with pride in NOT  having any followers. But then, several years ago, one appeared. Then, for a while, there was another. I stoically endured. Eventually though it got to me...as everything does.

Fortunately, after several recent visits to "the 2nd's" blog they realized the error of their ways and dropped off. But then another, like a leech or lamprey, attached itself. It wouldn't be so bad except for the list I'm included in. It's, it's a mass of, of...Hoi Polloi!

The first one -- the one that's gone the distance -- has a blog about motors. Today, in an effort to remind him/her/it that they miiiiiiight want to STOP following me, I visited. But I was, in my earliest years -- those when one thinks the blatting of a mufflerless motor inspires tingles in womens' clits -- a mechanic. And there remains juuuust enough vestigial interest to prompt a link-and-look at this....


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