Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Hotel Rex & Robin

I spent several days at The Hotel R&R north of Truth or Consequences. As the daytime temperatures rose, the traffic on the highway was an increasing impingement on my au-naturel style. It was time to be somewhere else.

The food was fabulous and Robin sent me home last night with two frozen, raw burger patties that by morning were perfect. Nothing like steak tartare for breakfast; like the good ole days!

I'm waiting for a cardiologist in Albuquerque to review the video of the angioplasty. I'm hoping he'll have a way besides bypass surgery to get through the blockages.

Jim Cooper, the Desert Walker, sent an informative email with questions for the cardiologist. Turns out he's a retired internist who specialized in intensive-care cardiology.

Alan Rasmussen -- who helped me get from the car to the Emergency Room at St. Mary's Hospital in Tucson -- took a job in W Virginia (I think). He was supposed to fly into JFK yesterday and begin work today. He's a respiratory therapist and, at age 70, was inclined to try and help some of the folks struggling with The Virus.

I'm camped near the Southeast end of the Gila Wilderness in New Mexico a few miles west of Interstate 25. I'm gonna piddle my way to Magdalena then northward to I-40 while waiting for the cardiologist to review all the notes and stuff. Then I'll decide what to do next.

Michelle recently discovered one of her clients was infected with The Virus. And since Michelle'd kissed the woman's cat she, Michelle, had to get tested. The results -- negative --  came back in two days. (Alan (see above) said it was taking seven to eight days some places back east.) "HHUURRAAAYY!!!" cried the cats.

1 comment:

  1. Jim, Cooper, the Desert Walker, would be a great name for a blog. Glad to hear you are still hanging in there. In normal times, I would much rather be in New Mexico. We had our first virus death here in our rural county this week. People still crowded into our little town hall to vote yesterday. I voted by absentee since I was supposed to be out west by now.
