Friday, August 23, 2019


Out he'ar on the Western Slope tharz nary a bush nor shrub tuh hide behind; yuh kin see 'em commin' from a LOOOOONg wayz off; there's plenty of room.

So, I was like, TOTALLY taken aback when the truck with loooooong trailer parked less than 300 feet away. Annoyance brewing, I watched as he unloaded a single horse.

It wasn't even 9:00 a.m. !!!

I slipped into muh boatshoes, donned my hat and strode over.

Bidding him "Mornin'," I inquired about his intended length of stay. "Just goin' fer a ride." he said. I noted the rifle in its scabbard.

"Well," I said, "I come out here for the peace & quiet and don't care to have neighbors." I did my best "AboooOOUT FAACE!" and trundled back.

Ten minutes later he was pulling out.

"Wait!!" I yelled. "Are you leaving?"

"Yes," he replied.


"I don't want to piss you off."

"THANKS!" and I waved jovially.

Conjectures have it common sense is on the wane.

Aftertought is better than none.