Saturday, August 10, 2019


In perusing Michael R. Kelsey's Non-Technical Canyon Hiking Guide to the Colorado Plateau, I noted that even he complains about the gnats.

As they say in the South, it needs to be taunt.

After years of testing, I "set" one side, holding it with magnets from Walmart, then pull the other side over until it's snug. That seems to thwart their ability to 'queeze under.

The net is the Mombasa Double from REI.

As with condoms, a little room around the head works.

The camo-yarmulke look. Quite dashing, don'chew tink?

(He ain't got his 'spenderz on. You know whut dat meanz?)


  1. I have one of the small white ones. I drape it over myself when I nap. But besides blocking the bugs they also block the cooling breeze. I love getting up early, before the sun can warm things, and swat all the flies sleeping one the outside of the van.

    1. Boy, that's evil...swattin' those poor, innocent flies. St. Francis is frooOOOwwwnnning!
