Sunday, March 17, 2024

Lilac Trees

The husband of an acquintance, in the throes of a virus, slipped over the edge into delirium and began crying for his mom and his first wife. Incidents such as this are, though not yet common, becoming more frequent as my cohort (I'm 71) approaches the end of the line. 

I think it was Joanna (therapist in 2012) who asked if my mom was depressed. At the time, I didn't think so, but years later, as I remember being rocked on her shoulder and her singing her version of this song, I wonder?

Tap image to goto lyrics

They were married seven or eight years before I was born. During that time they visited Paris, skiied the Alps and lived in Friede Wagner's home in Bayreuth where they had a chaffuer, gardener, cook and maid. The time in the gouse was in appreciation for his work as a double-agent.

After I was born he was away, fighting in Korea. If not depressed, I know she missed him.

The dizzyness when I sat up last night had me gagging for awhile. Fortunately, I had nothing in my stomach, and have eaten very little these past couple of weeks.

This morning, as the syncope took hold, I was able, before I fell, to lie down on the kitchen floor.

I'm close to calling for her.

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