Friday, October 27, 2023

Carving Pumpkins

A favorite holiday. At the very LEAST we have to carve pumpkins. 

We met at the park; covered the table with newsprint; she pulled out Uncle Bud's Victorinox knife - he died a few months ago just short of his 100th birthday - and we set to work. 


I picked a design off the internet & she modified it to my specs.

A young mother walking her daughter home from school stopped to admire. As she left I complimented her on her initiative...what with all the rapists & slave-runners rampant on the streets. She laughed and said, "I live in the real world." 



  1. Replies
    1. Oops from Hollis (inept on phone)

    2. H!!!

      It was a lovely afternoon. Temps just right. A young mother walking children home from nearby elementary stopped to admire. We had a good time
