Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Busy Day In ABQ

Xannie Baker, renowned host of The BPD Bunch, is also a fomous seamstress. She made Phoebe's interior panels, put gussets in my pantlegs and now, after dropping it off, is taking up the sleeves on my new jacket.

She makes all her own clothes and is the "snappiest' dresser I know. Here she is in her Hello Kitty pajamas, BPD t-shirt & faux-fur "cutoff."

Next stop: Bristol Doughnuts.

On the way...

There used to be an interesting furniture gallery with adjacent plant shop. Instead, there's an indoor play area for children from toddler to age 7. Instead of plants, there're now hats.

The Milliner

Inside Bristol

The Black Cat

Before Their Store

Waddling onward, I caught sight of Rust Is Gold Coffee owned by a motorcycle racer. The foyer to the restroom is a storage area for memorabilia and a current project.

Nice lights

Out front, where you place your order, is this
splendidly carved tap

Searching the complex for a gift shop, I saw Patrick's sign...and went in. It'd been at least 20 years since we'd seen each other. He was still trim and now married. Barbara came in while Pat was showing me his art. He's gonna sell the printers but will continue shooting fine art for pre-print.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Sports-KH! Nice to have you along. How did tou find me?
