Sunday, September 17, 2023

Just 'tooooOOOOooop!

She starts to hiccup in Arizona. In California she'll sometimes stall at a light. She smoothed out in Oregon and continued humming along perfectly through Nevada...the way she always has when in New Mexico. 

Wanting to get from Oak City to Scipio without going around, I thought to see if Oak Creek Canyon Road goes through.

Regardless, it looked to be a pretty drive. 

This morning she wouldn't start. The battery is strong and she turns over, but no go. It being Sunday in Mormon Country, everything is closed. Fortunately, cell signal is only a few hundred feet from camp. 

I climbed the nearby hill and have been enjoying watching the light change. Not alot of traffic.

Entrance to Camp

Video can't capture
the sparkles in the Quartzsite

1 comment:

  1. Hoping that you got Phoebe back up and running again.
