Friday, July 14, 2023

Myrtle Creek

It needs 4wd at the beginning; a good suspension system helps too. It's among the narrowest and shortest, as in less tall, we've traversed in a while. At the tight spot it's straight down 150 feet or more to the creek.

The mosquitoes got me to dig out the Old Yukon remedy picked up in 2010 on my way to Palmer, Alaska. There's some mean satisfaction in seeing 'em disappear. And in an enclosed environ such as Phoebe, deet kills.

There were several sites each remarkably clean with only a couple of outlying fecal deposits. The lack of trash and detritus inspired me to don the purple latriles (exam gloves) and gather in the stray bits of t.p.

In a truly exemplary act, somebody'd removed a bunch of ash, leaving this patch of gray to, hopefully, motivate others.

There's a sweet trail down the cliff to the creek, but, rationing my energy, I chose to walk the remainder of the road, a fairly level stretch that I surmised wouldn't exact a dose of sublingual nitro in order to make it back.

We're -- that's the royale we of Phoebe and I -- inland enough that the day is bright and clear, a welcome respite from the mist and fog; we needed a day to dry out. Now, at nearly noon, the sun is hot.

My new chair...

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