Thursday, June 1, 2023

Imlay, Nevada

Imlay spoke to me. I scanned the huddle of trailers and saw nothing of note. Then, there it was: a construct; a circular, tower-like "building" of rock and cement with strange ornamentation. Then came an even bigger one. Disregarding the No U-turn signs (this IS Nevada...where there's little to No enforecement), I went back.

The website is FAR better than anything.

After Fred, the caretaker, showed me around, he told of a road that went up the hill. The moon came as the sun was heading down. For a few minutes they appeared to be at the same height.

A thunderstorm inspired worry about being hit by lightning. Later, the nearly-full moon came out with its magic.


  1. Very nice. The faces and women are alluring.

  2. I thought so too.

    Fred Lewis, caretaker, said feminists snuck in, put chains around a standing nude and pulled her down. She still lies in the empty basin of the fountain.

