Thursday, June 15, 2023

Dawn - Mono Lake



  1. Art!!!

    You're still alive! What're you reading? Any movies to commend?

    Kristen took the photo with her expensive iphone. It has a great camera.

  2. At the moment I'm reading "The Green Berets" by Robin Moore. From 1965 it pre-dates the large troop buildup. The book is a novel but more of a collection of short stories about a non-combat journalist visiting various Green Beret camps coordinating actions of native combatants pursuing Viet Cong in Laos and Cambodian staging areas. It's excellent. The Mono Lake morning photo was great; the experience of that moment alone (in person) perhaps justifies living in a car an pooping in a hole.

  3. Thanks. The book sounds interesting. I'll keep an eye out for it.

    This last year has been tough. Age is having its way with me and loading and unloading has become more tiring. I still enjoy having everything within arms reach and the fewer maintenance concerns.

    You may have noticed my "settee." It, along with switching from 5-gallon jugs to 3-gallon, was another concession. I could get *into* a squat but couldn't get up! The chair is lightweight but sturdy enough to easily handle my bulk. And the view...frequently worth millions!

    Here's a sweet video Michelle sent:

  4. The last 1/3 was disappointing. You might enjoy the first 2/3s, especially Nanette.
