Thursday, January 6, 2022


The last few Blogger updates have come with minor irritants: the first sentence is always indented by one character.  I have to go back and "backspace" to make it line up. Jeezzus!

The other annoyance is the disappearing title. Along about the 3rd or 10th character either all or a portion vanishes. I've taken to typing randomly to get it out of its system. This morning, before backspacing over the lot, I noticed Pigpower was in the first position. So it shall be. (I can only assume if I kept at it the complete writings of Shakespeare, or maybe Aldous Huxley or Peewee Herman would appear.)

The title I had in mind was: Closer; Pigpower is much more dynamic.

These two "sets" of hills are adjacent each other. There're few roads, but there're no restrictions on cross-country travel. So far I've followed tracks others have made...drawing ever closer to the western boundary of Kofa National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge got its name from the acronym for the King of Arizona gold mine.   


It got warm enough to shed clothes, but gets cold the minute the sun goes down. The evenings are so pretty I've wanted to decided to have a fire. 

It's been at least a week since my last amble so I knew I'd not be able to go far; gathering wood was perfect.

Preliminary foray led to taking an Iso to alleviate the angina. It worked but after less than an hour I was exhausted and fell asleep.

Awakened by the angina I took a full dose. I've been going 12 hours between but now, after the exertion, it's down to eight. And now, three hours later, it's still nagging. She said I'd know by "when the medication stops working." There's the familiar sound in my ears that signals lack of oxygen. Tomorrow's supposed to be even warmer.

We'll see.


  1. That's interesting. I also get a familiar sound in my ears, but in my case it's from not wiping down the kitchen counter properly, or tracking mud into the room, or - -

    1. Hmmm, that sounds as if it could be detrimental to your health. Those lifestyle changes are the worst, aren't they?

  2. Ah, the blogger updates. Always so delightful when they happen. I've had a lot of issues with pictures with the last few updates. I can also only post comments as me (rather than anonymous) on only one browser (which isn't my go-to browser for anything else) on a computer I rarely use. But no matter! I can grouse about blogger all day, but I still choose it over other platforms. On another note, it sounds like you need to take care of yourself and take it easy!

    1. Hey there, Hannah Jane!

      I just noticed you don't capitalize your name? Is that a nod to bell hooks?

      Yes, grouse as I do, Blogger's a great resource. I'm increasingly relying on it as my memory fades.

      If I take it easy I slide down the slippery slope. I'm not disciplined enuf tho, but still unable to resign myself. As the woman said, "Old age ain't for sissies." I rejoined with, "I'm in trouble."

      Happy New Year!
