Saturday, September 21, 2019

Words of Advice

I met NONEATALL (authoress of some recent comments) online many years ago. Over the years our paths would cross here and there, but it wasn't until two years ago we met in person. And then, given who we both are, we cooked and ate the meal, exchanged a quick (but heartfelt) hug, and parted. Since then we've sat on the curb a couple of times and chatted for maybe 45 minutes, but that's it.

In the blogpost below, the important thing I hope you'll get is that you need to do what has to be done in order to get what you're entitled to. I started working at age 15 and began paying into Social Security a few months later after I was legally eligible. I WANT people who need it to get it. Yes, there are abuses, but most are (IMEO - in my esteemed opinion) due to the politicians turning a blind eye to the system.

Our conversations have provided some of the details of her disabilities. As you read her post, look between the lines and see the ethics and integrity most of us share; it's those characteristics that have gone against her.

I'm posting this in hopes that at least one of you will benefit from reading of her experience. No one should have to endure what she does....and the post doesn't even tell half of it.

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