Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Hospice is Coming

After missing the return call Monday, I connected yesterday. Katie, the Director of their Medical-Aid-in-Dying (MAID) program, scheduled a nurse to come to the house on Friday for an assessment.

I'm sleeping alot with some mild angina after I eat. Yesterday was a "good" day during which we went to the library and Natural Grocers. After unloading the books and groceries it was all I could do to get up from the chair and walk to my bed. I slept from 3:30 p.m. until a little before 7 p.m. when Michelle returned from her last cat-sit.

It was an effort to make her dinner: open-face cheese sandwiches with avocado & tomato w a 'prinkling of garlic salt. Back to bed.

At 9 p.m. I was too tired to move to her bed for our bedtime stories. Unable to sleep, I read until 3 am when I got up to for a bite to eat. Eating induces somnolence and I slept until Michelle woke me at 9 a.m. for my meds.

Most of the time my attitude is good. But as Reality Draws Near, I sometimes lapse into crying jags.

Uh-oh! Reality Draws Near
serigraph by Michelle Cook

I keep remembering Vince lying on his couch crying, the day before he slit his wrists, because he'd never get to ride his bicycle again. (Vince didn't feel well and when he got there, the doctor told him he had only three weeks to live. Morphine did nothing to ease the pain from the cancer and his case was one that influenced the passage of the Elizabeth Whitefield End-of-Life Options Act in New Mexico authorizing Medical Aid In Dying - MAID.)

The Peaceful Pill Handbook offers a safe method using nitrogen.

Lest we lose sight of what's important, here's a movie that may be of interest (I've requested it through interlibrary loan - I.L.L.) and a website. The website is based in The Netherlands and their "about" page describes their philosophy....a thoughtfully crafted piece of writing.


  1. That is wonderful that a nurse is coming. Here it is not for hospice yet, but i am so impressed with the comfort the nurse that visits us brings.

  2. I was delightfully surprised with my father-in-law’s hospice care. They made sure he was comfortable, and I recall that he spent his days drinking chocolate malts and listening to country music.

  3. Most of my relatives and friends have just stopped. System shutdown. A few others, including my addicted, mentally-ill mother-in-law benefited from hospice care. It brought her some peace and certainly comfort but surprisingly the same benefited her family, including me who had dealt with her craziness for years. This seems more peaceful Your re-breather gizmo seems problematic. Oddly, I also read today that some state is going to execute someone using a new 'breath nitrogen' technique which is already under criticism for not being painless. What about fucking Phoebe? Who will care for her/him? It sounds as though you are in a good place. Avocado, cheese and tomato sandwiches, open-face at that, and a legacy of love, art, travels and a peck of oddness is a good life.

  4. You mentioned nitrogen, so I thought I would share this with you -

    I wouldn't go the nitrogen route.

    I'm following your blog to gain insight.

    Thank you for your posts.


    1. Dear Anonymous,

      I've tried nitrogen twice, the first time when I tested the the R2D Rebreather II (NOT the III) and again with a 20 liter tank. See:

      Both times I experienced no discomfort.

      Speaking in the most general terms, with Abu Ghraib most vividly in mind, I can easily imagine the nitrogen administered to Kenneth Smith as purposely adulterated in order to make his death painful.

      Consider also that we are now emerging from 50 years of demonization of marijuana and psychedelics. Taxes from marijuana sales are rejuvenating the coffers of cities and towns across the nation while LSD, psilocybin and ketamine are being touted as cure-alls for PTSD, alcoholism, fear of death and just plain good for what ails yuh. Given all the above, I do alot of research before believing ANYTHING that comes from the popular media.

      Dr. Philip Nitschke, head of EXIT International, endorses nitrogen, argon and helium. I tried helium and didn't like it. I have no experience with argon. Dr. Nitschke has been active in the euthanasia-autonomy of death arena for decades. I trust his opinion and my own experience.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      On a side note...please don't "follow" me. I take pride in having only two followers one of whom I think has died. The other is an engineer interested in the intricate technicalities of internal combustion engines. God nose why s/he is following, but as I say, it is, for me, a matter of prestige to NOT have followers.

      Again, thanks for commenting.
