Yesterday was a bit of a wrangle as I worked to cut down a box to fit a special need. As the sun set and the chill dampened my enthusiasm, I piled everything in upon itself. Fortunately, I'm not expecting company.
At top right is a bag of trash under which are the remnant pieces of cardboard. Under those are my overalls; to the left, the blue bag has extra garbage bags & toilet paper, now only used as kleenex. Boots got thrown in the middle. The laptop, at the left, slipped between it all and this morning's need, at the edge of my crossed legs, coffee filters.
The outside is just a step away.
My rich diet of braunsweiger & beef tartare had me out in the cold & damp. I fired up the engine and pulled the settee, pictured above, next to the door so I'd have some heat. Nothing impedes a sphincter like cold. It's one of those rare mornings when something just can't wait.
That is so awesome, that you find moving around in such small place is a source of pleasure. I can learn from. Today i did some throwing out of stuff. In a small place i assume it is a must that you only surround yourself with the essentials.
ReplyDeleteThere're a numer of books in the two boxes you can see. In front of them, behind the driver's seat is the accordion.
DeleteThe net, suspended from the ceiling, holds the stove, several kinds of bread and paper plates. Everything within easy reach.
But without a refrigeraror, I have to shop every couple of days, especially now with my diet of braunsweiger & beef tartare.