Wednesday, December 14, 2022


Nothing noteworthy...simply documenting.



Walmart ensemble

Note sexy ankle-showing...albeit with sock. Come summer though...


  1. I can't decide which photo most beautiful, 3 or 2, 1 the leaning of the barrel there is something to that too.
    :) love them all 3

    1. Hey there, you!

      Yes, the barrel looks quite jaunty, don't you think?

      And the first dusting of snow in the mountains. Over the next couple of months it will come lower down.

      But that last one! Ah, me, I remember Mom shaking her head and decrying, "The battle of the bulge." Now I know what she meant.

  2. The answer to your kitchen question is in my most recent post. Thanks for your interest. The portrait of Lukas is a photo put on canvas by a company called canvaspop. I was going to use a digital painting done by a woman but did not as I like the photo better. Lukas was adopted in 2018 as a stray and the person who first took him in and got him to me assumed he was a she and inspired by the coat color, named the cat after Lucille Ball. A trip to the vet confirmed that Lucy was male, and has been Lukas ever since. Thanks for your interest!

  3. Your inquiry about my childhood abroad compels me to reveal more than you can in one post but if you look up and begin to understand the term Adult Third Culture Kid, you will start to understand what the roots of my feelings are. I spent infancy through age 20 abroad, so all of the formative years and have a broader view of many things than do my family members who grew up in America,

  4. The middle image was pleasant. I've seen Phoebe's ass and headdress often enough. The last was a bit frightening, perhaps the guy that all the immigrant coyotes work if he's just said "You shouldn't be here, gringo, but it's too late."

    1. Late one evening last summer while searching my way home, I entered into conversation with a young guard at the entrance to a state park. After a while he inquired as to my nationality. I asked for his reason and he rejoined that I look Hispanic.

      Michelle has, over the years commented on the darkness of my tan. My sister-in-law traced the Herrmann geneology back to Bohemia; I like to think my itchy feet are genetically endowed through a distant connection to the Roma.

      I was (still am) quite proud of having been the only white kid invited into the gypsy camp outside Bad Kreuznach.

  5. Art,

    You may note the height of the ungrazed grass in the middle picture; it's rare to see.

  6. You would enjoy this book which chronicles the root causes of the great dust bowl of the 1930's. Although this is more or less considerably east of your haunts it deep affected TX, OK, CO, etc., and really parallels the sacrifice of the American landscape for agri-business, as in over-gracing.

    1. Thanks, Art, but I stopped reading books like that at a fairly early age. By the time I was sixteen I'd given up on capitalism and turned my attention to learning how to satiate female sexual desire.

      I got drawn into the grazing thing when I fell in love with a woman I met in 2011 in the wilds of Nevada. At the time, she was on her way to assess an allotment and let me tag along. It was a full moon and over the next few days I made my pitch for polyamory and described my previous decades of research. We parted on pleasant enough terms but a week later I got an email saying she was interested.

  7. Addendum to prev comment:

    I learned alot about livestock grazing.
