Thursday, March 17, 2022


Once in a while things get difficult. My left knee started having twinges. Then, the sciatica, dormant for two years, reignited with a vengeance making it hard to walk even a few steps.

The burning sensation was so bad it hurt to lay my thigh atop the other. I've never had an outbreak like this and attributed it to brushing against some plant while pantsless in the wilds. Finally though, when I could barely make it to the bathroom, it was time to touch base with my physician. If there's a benefit from Covid, it's that the medical community is more comfortable communicating electronically.

Now, two days after starting avalcyclovir augmented with some oxycodone, things have quieted down and for the first time in several days I was able to get some sleep. The nausea is annoying, but I may have lost a pound...or even two!


Earlier today, March 18, I discovered Simple Living and Simple Travel's blog. This evening I chanced upon this little story. It includes superb photos of the amazing things our medical technology can accomplish, but they're not for those who are uncomfortable with human anatomy. I've not ever seen a horror movie, but this little story definitely put my "difficulty" in perspective. 

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