Sunday, March 13, 2022

Mr. Nose - Leading the Way


And she cuts hair, too.

Kelvin, Arizona


  1. You appear to be wearing body armor. During the cold war it was not really available. A stash of iodine pills would be good.

  2. Art! LOL! I met a woman in the wilds a few years ago who traveled in Africa for two years with nothing but a Grayl water purifier bottle. Based on that conversation I bought one. Two years on I've yet to use it. But I've got my fingers crossed the chance is just around the corner.

    Mr. Stomach's prodigious proportions have necessitated a new look; I've moved into overalls. Those are Carhartt...a tad warm for southern Arizona, but I'm shopping.

  3. Oh, and that's a Stetson in the lower pic.
