Saturday, October 31, 2020


I stopped to admire the rock and marvel at nature's audacity.

I could hear them but not see them. Then, in reviewing the video, I realized where they were!

The sequence....



  1. cool. Michael, yours is the only blog i ever look at and sometimes read. Back in the days i was an avid blogger. Today I am thinking of posting on my blog again. My reason; i am participating in nanowrimo, again. And as i never do anything with the novels i spit out each november, I was thinking putting my daily rough drafts on my blog.... Do you think there can be still an audience to be had. ? aggghr back in the days, for sure for me the way to be somewhat successful in having an audience, was to build up a relationship with other likeminded bloggers.
    What do you think do I stand a chance without doing the work of communicating?
    Or will you be my only reader, that is if i get lucky.

    1. I'm told no one reads anymore...they watch videos. As near as I can tell, I have about a dozen who stop by fairly least once a year.

      I'd read what you write!

    2. I often read your earlier posts. That's how I found your poem...

      I do the same with other's blogs. I find it interesting to see how their lives change....or not.

  2. ok! I still have to do my 500 words for today, but when i do i will post! One reader is 100% more then zero, Thanks!
