Sunday, March 3, 2019

Twidget Aisle

As youngsters, Michelle and her brother developed a cat nomenclature. Along with terms for different kinds of cats such as Smirket, for a black cat, they invented words for cat-parts.

I suspect a certain giggle-factor, similar to Captain Underpants' appeal, in their choice for the excretory opening: Twidget.

Depicted by crossed lines similar to an asterisk, it's called Sparkle in your emojis:   ❇️

But where I've found it most helpful is here...

I always know where I'm parked; in the Twidget aisle.

For those who appreciate graphic realism.

Ms. Dana-Mae Jo Bob, a real schmooze-wad, the last of two Smirkets who lived with Susan Cook, Michelle's mom, until her death in 2015. Dana died last Spring. You can tell from her expression she felt her rights-and-permissions attorney didn't get the deal she expected for this photo shoot.


  1. I will never be able to look at a Walmart sign in the same way.

  2. Kurt Vonnegut included a twidget in his autograph, because he wanted people to know he was aware he was an asshole.

    1. Poor Kurt.

      Was it while getting his autograph that you discovered this?

    2. Unfortunately, no. He explained it in an interview.

    3. He included the graphic in a book, too ("God Bless You,Mr. Rosewater," maybe?).
