Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Albuq Montage

Self-described as a cook in name only, Michelle has, over the years, developed a finesse with the burrito. This includes, if you look closely, raw mushrooms tucked 'neath a layer of onion. No beans, just some avocado & tomato 'prinkled mit cheeez.

One of my Tuley's heel cups disappeared so Michelle gave me a pair. Suggested years ago by a podiatrist, they relieved the plantar fasciitis. He recommended the large. Their color, turquoise, goes nicely, dōnchewtink?

Many, many eons in the past, Michelle traded with an artist at the SW Arts & Crafts Show for several of his hand-blown drinking glasses. I chose the lavendar for my mix of 2/3 Dr Zevia & 1/3 orange juice (Simply, of course).

One year I was part of the selection jury for the SW Arts & Crafts Show. There were around 200 booths available for god-nose how many entrants. Each submitted three slides of their work. It went on for hours, but when this, titled: Safety of Three, flashed on the screen, I knew I had to have it. 

I interpreted it as an omage, talisman or some form of recognition of my commitment to polyamoury which, at the time, was still new. It still speaks to me. 

I may have included this in a recent post but it got knocked about when turning on the lamp and, I thought, deserved another showing. Michelle's humor atop my display case of heirlooms & treasures.

The cat in his lap is from the Alamo Gallery in Socorro. Among others, the gallery shows the work of the Alamo band of Navajo. They were banished for siding with the Whites and have their own Rez 30 miles north of Magdalena.

Below is my copy of Uh-Oh, Reality Draws Near, one of Michelle's serigraphs. Serigraphy is a fine-art form of printing using stencils and a screen coated with light sensitive emulsion. The process is tedious and most serigraphers, such as Andy Warhol, rarely include more than six to eight colors in their prints. Michelle often used over 35. Achieving the machine-esque similarity in each print meant the number in her editions rarely exceeded 25.

Moon Over the Sandias
 (After Ansel Adams)

One side of Altura Park has sidewalk. At the north end, someone zip-tied a cup of chalk to a post. There're many dogs out walking their owners, but...

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