Sunday, October 2, 2022

Flash Flood

 I found what looks like, on the topo map, to be a spectacular area, but was stymied by this raging rivulet. I tried to goad a couple of others to show me how it's done, but got no takers.

Camp is on a hilltop just up the street. More rain expected tonight.

It's nice to have everything with me. I feel sorry for the folks in the van on the other side.


  1. yes, i wondered about the van on the other side, how many days ?

    1. By morning it was down to a trickle and they had it cleared by 9 a.m.

      I'm not sure what became of the folks in the van. There was a note on the window I didn't stop to read, but there was no one in it when I went by around 11:00 a.m.
