Sunday, October 16, 2022

141 Overlook South of Grand Junction

I wish I felt more generous toward my fellow man, but my leanings are decidedly hetero. Thus, I rarely share the results of my gift to find my way home each evening.

Denizens of Grand Junction may recognize the view but the lack of traffic inclines me to think there won't be many. The road is rough in places, not real bad, just enough to keep the light-weights at bay.

The traffic noise floating up from the highway does, I admit, detract from the overall ambience.


  1. glorious, who knew fall colors could be such in the desert?

    1. So glad you could see them! As I know you've probably experienced when photographing big places, the camera just cannot capture it. But the trees are beautiful, aren't they?

  2. Yes! and i do feel your photographic skills have greatly improved. You probably always had the skills, but what would you say, now taking the time or what?
