Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Petrified Wood & Dino Bone

Despite having been acrosst 89A innumerable times, I've only recently begun exploring the side roads. It was a lovely night and having rested all day I had some energy. But I admit, even *I* have trouble in the dark. But the temperature was perfect and the spirit of adventure was in the stars.

Using the Garmin map for choosing where to go, I discovered the first side-road was occupied. I came over the hill and saw the tent and then the vehicle. So much for that road.

The 2nd, designated as 4wd, wasn't to be found. 

After that came one I'd made note of in June when passing through. My comment was: "Looks  interesting."

It was 9:30 with no moon. When I pulled onto the shoulder at the GPS coordinates I had to get out with a headlamp to make sure there WAS a road; it was that faint. Walking it, I came to a gate which,  beyond, looked kinda rough. I made camp outside the gate, too close to the highway but, hey, it must be near 9:30... "LATE!"

This morning I ambled about and found the hills covered with petrified wood. Here and there were fragments of fossilized bone.

Vermillion Cliffs National Monument

The road needs 4wd, but it's doable. Coordinates and details in NOTES.