Monday, July 19, 2021

When Money's No Object

Ah, the internet! I DO enjoy having signal.

In the Duck Creek area doing Lahontan Trout habitat assessment for Western Watersheds Project, Karen noticed her tire going flat. Being near Ely, she went there.

Curious about the town I pulled up the Wiki article and noted the mention of The Clock of the Long Now. That led to Dan Hillis, the inventor, which led to his Expedition (Overlanding) vehicle.

And what would YOU do with unlimited amounts?


  1. Even with unlimited amounts, my current fantasy is an F150 Lightning (the current electric model) with a well thought out camper top, and plenty of solar to keep everything charged.

    1. Thanks Graht. I hadn't heard of the Lightning. Your idea sounds much more versatile.

      At 51,000 pds and with its dimensions, the Kiravan couldn't get into most of the places I go.

    2. Also, based on the range & capacity the Kiravan only gets 11 mpg...not what you could call "green."

      I saw a charging station on the west side of the Rio Grande Gorge. They're ramping up the infrastructure for electrics.
