Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Hypocrisy & Lies

I had my first experience with LSD when I was 15. I'd been brought up, starting at the age of 13, to use marijuana as a consciousness-expanding (the popular phrase of the times) tool and had been cautioned about experimenting with LSD. 

In my early twenties I traveled to Mexico where the local children outside the town of Palenque 

Photo from Britannica

brought us the magic mushrooms and gave us the correct amount. Over the decades as my career and partners took precedent, I rarely had access -- let alone the time -- to utilize psychedelics. An "average" trip usually lasts from 6-12 hours. I put the word in quotes since, with psychedelics, there is no such thing as average.

From 1968 to 1972 a friend was incarcerated in a Tennessee penitentiary for possession of two joints. So while the article below is about psychedelics, I'm incredulated and disgusted by the hypocrisy. It makes me wonder what other lies they're telling us.


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