Thursday, January 14, 2021

It's A Small World

I was fueling up at the Sinclair when I noticed the sign on the truck on the other side of the aisle: Torrey House Press

It was the first day of the Bluff Arts Festival and Torrey publishes some of the work by local authors. A recording of one who'd commuted from Bluff to Salt Lake City every week to do a radio show was presented at the sunset readings. She died not long ago, but her husband still lets the public access the land along the San Juan River, the land where we all gathered to hear her and the other presenters.  

Having cut my marketing teeth in publishing I went over to say howdy. It turned out Mark Bailey, co-founder of The Press, is also on the board of Western Watersheds Project.

One of the presentations that year, given by Mark, was on the Dark Sky Movement. He told how Torrey had converted all their street lights so they wouldn't affect the dark and how the town had become a Dark Sky destination. He told of the incredible telescope he'd inherited from his dad (mentioned in this blog) and how folks now come from far and wide to look through it.

But if you read this blog, his latest, you'll get a sense of what Gustave Speth wrote about in his book Angels By the River.

It's surprising isn't it though, how little we sometimes know of each other?

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