Saturday, November 2, 2019

Tyrz Madder

I subscribe to this blog and have been enjoying its enthusiasm.

I'd noticed the Cooper XLT on a Comcast truck in Kanab, Utah the other day.  I figured Comcast had probably vetted many others; they looked as if they could handle it.

Great image at top of Cooper Tires website!

The perfect Bud Lite, Big Tires "look."


  1. I've had some Cooper Adventurer H/T's on the van for about a year and I like them a lot. Quiet, long-wearing. Most of my driving is on pavement, but they've worked sufficiently for the unchallenging off-pavement driving I do — except for that little flash flood incident. But I was able to drive out once the ground firmed back up.

    1. Hello Al!

      I've run Coopers in the past and was pleased. This last time

      (see: )

      James picked them out for me. The price was affordable (altho, as mentioned in another blogpost, I didn't get the road-hazard certificates) and they've done good so far. I'm in Wilcox, AZ (in the 2008 FIT) so I can't check Phoebe's mileage to see how they're wearing, but they added some ground-clearance and definitely improved the traction. I have yet to see if they'll hold a sidewall plug (knock on wood).
