Monday, November 25, 2019

LSD In Ojito

I'd been looking for several years, asking here and there. I even went up to Gerlack last year in advance of the horde to see if I might be able to endure....but decided not.

Suddenly, last time in Albuq, it appeared. The story went that this had been formulated on the original sunshine recipe. It took a couple of months for the right time to come along but today was the day.

I took a quarter dose. Liftoff was as gentle as it gets but as we headed north on the freeway I knew I'd need to get somewhere quieter. Fortunately, Ojito Wilderness is only a little more than an hour away.

Michelle stayed straight but she's naturally stoned so we had a wonderful time ambling about in the desert.

Its tongue hanging out....

In this, our commemorative selfie, Ms. Cook is "overshadowed" by Mr. Nose.

The rest was impossible to capture.