Thursday, November 7, 2019

It Happens - A Campground!

It was nearing dark as I left Silver City and it was raining. I picked a likely-looking spot off the map a few miles north on highway 60. As I turned off highway 180 I noticed the sign for City of Rocks State Park. It was pitch dark & raining hard. I wussed out and went to the park.

But the goddess was watchin' over me. She showed me a spot that was facing AWAY from the incoming traffic. You'd have to be leaving or look over your shoulder to see us.

Their apology for NO HOT WATER didn't help get the scum (swimming in stock tanks), grease (role-playing as wagon-wheel greaser in Olden Days Theater), dirt (rolling on ground in ecstasy at being outside) and filth off my body (being in city).

I called The Dept of Energy & Minerals, the folks in charge of New Mexico's State Parks, to see if they're gonna install a tankless water-heater. I called nearly 20 minutes ago. Now 2:49 p.m. and still no reply.

We don't need no stinkin' picnic table.

Hopefully it won't happen again too soon. $10.00 and NO HOT WATER!