Saturday, June 15, 2019

Leaving Chokecherry

As with most of the places I go, I picked Chokecherry Canyon off the map for no reason other than it was convenient. On Thursday there were a few others along the road, but Friday evening the traffic was almost continuous until 10:30 p.m. In the morning we were surrounded. Many soon left, but others came. The road was REALLY rough and I wondered if there was a black hole at the top of the hill that was absorbing and regurgitating them all.

Yesterday, Saturday, I was able to pack (finally getting over the cold) and we found our way to within 15 miles south of Salida. Exhausted, we're hoping to make it into town before the afternoon thunderstorms arise.

I looked back over my shoulder from the middle of the San Luis Valley and could only see the outline of the mountains; they were veiled by the dark clouds that were letting loose a torrent of Cats und Dogs.

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