Thursday, January 24, 2019

Capitalism, American Style - The IUD

Mic & Flo are redoing Michelle's cat-sitting website:

In the course of working together Michelle discovered that Michela is also a published author.

The following synopsis is about just one of Micela Dai Zovi's fascinating books

Plastic, Copper, and the Hundred Thousand Percent Markup

The copper intrauterine device (IUD) has been described as an “unsung, under-promoted success story,” and the “preferred device… on the basis of its efficacy, safety and long history of use,” and is often hailed as the “international gold standard” in contraceptives. It is arguably the safest, most reliable, and most economical contraceptive option for women. It is also, in its construction, little more than a sterilized piece of plastic and copper—albeit a very useful one. Despite costing only approximately $0.25 to produce, it can cost nearly $1,000 in the United States, compared to under $100 in Canada and Europe, close to $5 in other nations, and as low as $0.31 in Chile. This book explains circumstances unique to the United States which have allowed this kind of price discrimination to flourish, as well as consequently perpetuated inequality of opportunity, fiscal waste, compromises in medical safety, and restrictions to consumer freedom.

her Amazon page...

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