Monday, October 8, 2018

Right To Die & The Peaceful Pill Handbook

UPDATE 6/13/20
For many years helium was touted (by the now-defunct Hemlock Society) as the most accessible means. I tested it in 2014 and it felt like having a hive of bees lowered over my head. I think the feeling was due to a numbing effect.

In 2015 I tested carbon monoxide by lighting the two burners of my Coleman stove inside my Geo Metro hatchback, the car I was then traveling in. It was winter and very cold outside so the heat was welcome. The gas was a very mild soporific that induced only the slightest of pressure in the area of my frontal lobe; not enough to even begin to call a headache and barely noticeable. But it took two weeks for my mind to fully clear.

Recently, in May of this year, I tested nitrogen. It is extremely fast and very side effects at all. I only took four "whiffs" but that was enough to narrow my vision and bring me to the edge of consciousness. It took about 20 minutes for the acute effect to wear off and about 24 hours for it to completely "clear."

I recently finished reading Dr. Nitschke's autobiography, Damned If I Do. I can't recommend it enough! It's an excellent tale of his (and his partner's) courage and willingness to help others. Dr. Nitschke seems to prefer carbon monoxide. In the interests of testing, I ordered formic and sulphuric acids from

a supplier of the two chemicals needed to produce CO.

When my order didn't arrive I contacted Dudadiesel and was told they automatically cancel orders that include both. Be advised.

In December of 2017 I turned 65. As a gift to myself I bought a subscription to The Peaceful Pill Handbook.  The subscription includes a monthly newsletter from EXIT International.

I had a vasectomy at age 22. Although I suppose I MIGHT have been able to do the job myself, I did not have the necessary license to obtain or administer the anesthetic. And even if I had, I still lacked the coordination and certainly the expertise; it was much easier to pay someone.

The surgeon was surprised at my youthful age and asked me several times if I was sure. But there was never any question of my legal right.

Now, as we enter our "twilight years," many of us and/or our loved ones face the possibility of criminal prosecution for simply being present when someone ends their life.


  1. I also got a vasectomy, though at a slightly older age, after a pregnancy scare. I also never wanted to be a parent. It's hard for others to understand or accept that.

    I also envision ending my own life when I've had enough of living and all that awaits is physical and mental decline.

    I wonder if vasectomies and willingness to exit on one's own terms tend to go together. Are they common in certain personality types?

    1. Al, this would make a great thesis project!

      But you know, decisions such as these require thought... something the American public (or the human race) hasn't shown much interest in.

      6 billion and going strong; although I suspect they lost count around the time Diane Fossey got bumped off.

      I read a quote the other day from a Senator, "Who needs polar bears, anyway?"
