Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Half Moon Bay - Cafe Capistrano and the Ritz-Carlton

I'm now embarrassed that I alluded to the possibility we'd stay at the Ritz-Carlton.

After a fine dinner at Cafe Capistrano 

in Half Moon Bay, we went to the hotel for an after-dinner beer.

It's pathetic...just freakin' pathetic. The decor is so bland you actually CAN'T notice it. Once past the valet parkers, our way through to the Conservatory, one of three restaurants, was blocked by a bevy of golfers!! Golfers!!! In the lobby!  Don't they have a back entrance for those people!

When we reached the lady at the podium, she informed us the tables were for registered guests, but we could sit at the bar. The tables, small little unoffensive nothings, overlooked an open area that held about 100 blue and/or black-suited males (conferees) standing around. It was a scene worthy of a David Byrne movie.

One can surmise the distant ocean may have sufficed for say, someone from New Delhi or Urgamal, Mongolia, but for us, it was, like, totally underwhelming.

Below, on the ground floor, a wooden deck held one couple. We descended to explore. Upon inquiring for something dark, (Polynesian perhaps, female please) I was snidely queried as to whether I wanted wine, whiskey or, the final option, beer, only to be told "No dark beer."

Across the open area was the golf course. At its edge a rustic, split-rail fence warned of the risk of the drop to the ocean below. But more importantly, that the green was for golfers only, not pedestrians.  In a land where every restroom exhorts water conservation, you're told to keep off the grass.

But get THIS! The Ocean View Terrace Fire Pit Rooms have a postage-stamp size patio with a gas-flame firepit. The pits are as diminutive as the patios such that a Yukoner might say they're suitable for a child.  And those, they also offer suites and cabins, rent for $2,200 (including taxes) a night.

Pathetic isn't really low enough.

Prompted by curiosity, I read the the "Terrible" reviews on Tripadvisor. One, from a couple who were also there today, echoed our complaints. Astonishingly, more than one had had items stolen!


  1. haha
    and commenting to the men in suits... I was recently let out of the Yukon and found that even the women show little sign of creativity in the way they dress. What is that all about i wonder, that there is obviously a great need to look the same?

    1. Ah, Jozien, how are you?

      Out of The Yukon!! Where were you allowed to go?

  2. No one should ever eat acid and be stuck in the permafrost up to the axles in semi frozen dirt that looks like shit. IMO.

    1. WHAT is the world COMING to?!

    2. just let me be stuck in such muck, yet I did very much enjoy the outing. I will post a picture, people who are stuck there asked me not to reveal the location, you might see why.

    3. Ah yes!! And if I were stuck with YOU it would be even BETTER!!

      I see why they asked you not to reveal. Good on you!
