Sunday, August 12, 2018

Hazards of Indoor Living

Nothing, of course, equals the blueberries to be had from the Farmers' Markets in Oregon. They're to blame for honing my package-opening enable sampling-before-buying.

Stopping in Wells to resupply, I was pleasantly surprised by the Ocean Spray blueberries at Roy's Market; they actually had a hint of Oregon quality. But what sent me sprawling into commitment (to Roy's) was the discovery of a six-pack of Anchor Steam Porter. At $13.00 it took some seconds to resurrect "It's only money." But once I realized it's our DUTY to encourage merchants to carry items of quality, I slid down the slippery slope of blueberry sugar to beer with no trouble.

By the time I got to Contact the beer was hot. After a reminding swig, I put it in the freezer to cool and settled in to wait with a martini.

Next morning...