Friday, December 22, 2023


I'm not coping well.

It's amazing how in the space of an hour or two, the time it takes for it to take effect, the world shifts from noisy and obnoxious to screened out and smiling.

After three days of being bed-ridden, I was able to get up & going.

Conversation w Pres of Board of Conserve SW Utah about highway through Red Cliffs NCA

Library - pick up HOLDs

Pen & Pad - Xmas card for friend

Walmart - shoes (slipon $15)
Glitter paper for Solstice cards
Acne treatment stuff (not covered by formulary)
(You'd think it would've relented by now but I haven't ever stopped masturbating.)
Low-fat mozzarella

Bike store - CO² cartridge regulator for Rebreather (found one online)

Golden Pride - lunch

Inez Park - walk

Lowe's - interlocking foam for sound-deadening.

Library - pick up I.L.L.

Family Thrift - t-shirts & sweater

Solstice Card Work-table


  1. No warranty on the regulator?

    1. LOL!

      Art! You're still among us! Merry Solstice!

  2. Yes. Somewhat a adrift but stable. Words from your post stood out...obnoxious, bed-ridden, treatment, masturbating, glitter, regulator, sound-deadening, t-shirts...I am a fan of hyphenated words.
    Was the regulator (bike shop origin) for some sort of re-fill device? 'Regulator' caught my attention. My cousin's husband's grandfather invented an inexpensive regulator that launched natural gas space heaters and furnaces that replaced home coal and fuel oil heating devices. The guy made a fortune that his children and grandchildren squandered; they were all jerks. Ponder that history as you test your regulator. The best of the New Year.

    1. Art,

      Can you say more about being adrift?

      Yes, the control valve is sold as a bicycle tire refill device. I discovered a number of devices used by bicyclists to air up after a flat. Additional testing will, hopefully, result in something usable.

      In my younger day when I contemplated the pursuit of wealth, I read a couple of books about folks who inherited or attained high levels. It was disheartening to read how many struggled with familial-related traumas, insecurities and existential dilemmas...all of which I already had.

      Occassionally, not often, I wish I had a bit more, wealth that is, but over these past seven years with Kristen I've made tremendous advances in ridding myself of "baggage."

      Even had I the wherewithal to hire her, I'd feel uncomfortable subjecting an escort to my physiognomy.

  3. One can only hope that you didn't go off on anyone and scream at them for no reason while you were on the LSD. It's been known to happen...

    1. Anon,

      It has a very calming affect on me. I've no way to guage the dose except from experience, but my guess is I'm taking 10-20 mcg. I take it about every three to four months.
