Monday, December 18, 2023


10:00 a.m. Monday

I'm feeling "overdue." Last time was's time. 

I've probably told this story elsewhere, but the pot I was raised on was grown in the front window of a Tennesse cabin from seeds from Mexico's finest. 

When we moved to El Paso in 1967, two girls from up the street came to see what I had to offer. They later told me how they'd (skeptically) accepted the thinnest joint they'd ever seen. And later, how despite having grown up there, they were lost for three hours. One, maybe two hits was all I'd ever had and it'd kept me tripping for 7 - 10 hours. I'd had three years of it before we moved.

By the time I got to LSD, and I'd been cautioned, I was ready. It's always been a friend, even when it was a rough ride.

1 :01 pm - Monday

I seem to have peaked. As has been the case with this stuff, the size of the paper doesn't reflect the dose. This was the largest piece of paper yet feels the lightest dose. I'm kinda tired so just lying here enjoying.

3:00 pm - Resting helped and we went to Arroyo del Oso Park for a walk. The Sandias rise 5,000' and the camera that can convey their presence has yet to be invented.

Beyond the trees, less than a quarter-mile away, Wyoming Blvd carries thousands of cars. My increasing deafness is a boone. I wear earplugs at night but am rarely distracted by noise during the day. There're no birds or animal calls to be missed. I did hear the muffler-less single-engine plane that flew over; inconsiderate bastard! (You know it had to've been a guy.)


  1. Replies
    1. Hello Hollis!

      4:40 pm and still cruising at elevation.

      Thanks for stopping by!
