Thursday, May 12, 2022

Simply Orange

After the night of hell, I recalled reading about catheters for men who were allergic to the adhesive; they were held on with a belt.

The incontinence has been coming on for some time (there's a suspicion of prostate cancer) and as the "urge" grew increasingly unanticipatable I added Simply Orange bottles to each of the vehicles in the fleet.

Now that it's a known entity at night, I made some modifications at the top and with the addition of velcro straps and a borrowed shoulder strap from a gym bag....voila! New meaning to the phrase: Strap-On! 

The geometries are such it obviated the washcloths and MAYBE even the puppy pads. 

One night of hell was all I could stand.


  1. Such is the continuing adventure of life!

    1. I really thought I'd have thrown in the towel by now. But as I was driving into Bernalillo from Jemez Springs I felt like I was tripping. I was a little worried it might be a pre-something signal but it's nice and the landscape is beautiful.

      The continuing adventure indeed!

  2. Extra calcium is probably a better choice than 'high pulp'

  3. This seems interesting -

    1. Thank you.

      I bought an almost identical unit for twice the price. It works great IF: I sleep on my right side and leave the door open. That way the collection bag can hang at a lower level (outside) and enable gravity to work its magic.

      My dilemma is when I roll over; I'm thinking I may have to put a zipper on the inside of my sleeping bag and get a mattress to raise me up higher so everything can flow properly.
