Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Let's NOT Give It Back

There're rumors these days of returning public lands to Native Americans. Some of the rumors are fueled by romanticism about how "naturally sustainable" they are. 

The road to Ojito crosses Zia Pueblo. Below are pictures of that land. 

There's NO vegetation that'll feed a cow. Here's one they let die....for lack of water or feed.

A closeup for you forensic folks who might be able to attribute it to something besides starvation or dehydration.

Yup, they've learned a thing or two about "extractive" practices. The ground's so pulverized from trampling that when the wind blows the area looks like 1930s Oklahoma.


  1. What do you mean by, let's not give it back? In nature I always feel like; let's give it back, let's give it back to what it was. Let nature takes it course, it knows exactly what to do....something like that.

  2. It's complex. Weather has evolved. Livestock have destroyed habitat and water quality. We grow a lot of corn to feed cows; more corn and more cows than we need. Good book...something like "The worst of bad times" re the dustbowl

  3. I'm just curious how you know exactly how that creature died. I believe you are assuming.

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      After further surmisal (I stopped making assumptions after the ASS OF YOU AND ME business), I decided it HAD to be a trophy kill by a passing tourist since they just took the head.

  4. After a week of no posts, a re-read and review of this post's photos has confirmed that that dried carcass aggregate of skin and bones is, in fact, the departed author of this blog. Well...that will save some of my time going forward.

    1. Kristen thinks this comment warrants a beer. Please send preferred location, date and time to email at bottom of profile.
